Student Media

Sun News: Rhiannon Bent
91.3 The Blaze: Shawn Denevan
Community Education Channel: Lauren Golden
Video Streaming: Nathan Snow
Insight Communications: Erin Ortiz

The Communication Department provides hands-on opportunities in journalism, radio, broadcasting and video streaming, and public relations. Students in the Media Studies programs will gain experience in these areas in their classes, but students in any major are welcome to participate. These opportunities include Sun News, a student-produced news website and broadcast; 91.3 The Blaze, a broadcast radio station; the Community Education Channel, a local television station and international streaming service; and Insight Communications, a marketing, advertising, and public relations agency. Students who participate in these organizations develop a range of skills and portfolio of work that sets them up for career success. Students can begin participating as early as their freshman year, oftentimes with no prior experience. Scholarships are also available for many students who participate in these experiences.