Marketing, BA/BS

Program Description

Marketing is an in-demand function for organizations of all sizes and crosses every industry throughout the globe. The digital age and globalization of business has transformed the way consumers behave and requires businesses to adapt to their ever changing needs. To prepare graduates for the skills needed in the new age of marketing, the Utah Tech BA/BS in Marketing Degree is uniquely designed  to allow students to focus on marketing career tracks that specifically address areas of specialization. This focused curriculum, along with the traditional marketing and business foundation courses, provides graduates with a competitive advantage. Students who seek a more global perspective on marketing may pursue the BA Degree; this requires the Bachelor of Arts foreign language requirement as outlined in the catalog for every Utah Tech BA degree. 

Program Curriculum

120 credits

Utah Tech General Education Requirements

All Utah Tech General Education requirements must be fulfilled. A previously earned degree may fulfill those requirements, but courses must be equivalent to Utah Tech's minimum General Education standards in American Institutions, English, and Mathematics.

General Education Core Requirements

American Institutions3-6
Life Sciences3-10
Physical Sciences3-5
Fine Arts3
Social & Behavioral Sciences3
Exploration 3-5
Bachelor of Arts: Foreign Language Requirement3-16
Complete one of the following:
- Complete 16 credits in a single foreign language, through earned credit (grade C or higher), credit by examination, or vertical credit from the courses listed on the GE Foreign Language Requirement page 1
- Complete a 2020 or higher foreign language course (grade C or higher)
- Complete a 3060 foreign language course listed below (grade C or higher)
- Receive 16 transfer credits for GEFL 1000 (8) and GEFL 2000 (8) in a single foreign language (grade C or higher)
Complete a 1010 course listed below in a second foreign language (grade C or higher) AND one of the following:
1. In a language not taught at Utah Tech, receive 12 FLATS exam credits for FLAT 1000 (8) and FLAT 2000 (4)
2. In a language not taught at Utah Tech, receive 12 transfer credits articulated as GEFL 1000 (8) and GEFL 2000 (4) (all grade C or higher)
Available only to students who are nonnative English speakers, complete one of the following:
- Complete 16 credits of ESL courses listed below (grade B or higher)
- Complete ESL 2750 or ESL 2760 (grade B or higher).
- Submit one of the following test scores required for unconditional Utah Tech admission: TOEFL (61 iBT, 173 CBT, or 500 PBT); or Michigan (70); or USU-IELE equivalent score. Other tests may be accepted for admission to Utah Tech but will not fulfill this requirement. Official scores must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
Total Hours3-16

General Education Foreign Language Classes may be found on the General Education page.

Business Core Requirements

ACCT 2010Financial Accounting3
ACCT 2020Managerial Accounting3
ECON 2010Micro Economics (SS, GC)3
FIN 3150Managerial Finance I3
ISA 2010Proficiency in Excel & SQL3
ISA 2050Management Information Systems3
MGMT 3050Business Law I: Law in the Commercial Environment3
MGMT 3400Management & Organizations3
MGMT 3600Operations and Supply Chain Management (ALPP)3
ENGL 3010Professional Writing and Business Ethics3
MKTG 3010Marketing Principles (ALPP)3
STAT 2040Business Statistics3
Total Hours36

Marketing Core Requirements

BUS 3000Intermediate Career Strategies1
MKTG 3450Consumer Behavior3
MKTG 3500Digital Marketing3
MKTG 4500Product Marketing3
MKTG 4100Marketing Research3
MKTG 4200Entrepreneurial Marketing3
or MKTG 3515 Sales Management (ALPP)
MKTG 4800Marketing Strategy3
MGMT 4800Strategic Management (ALPP)3
Total Hours22

Marketing Elective Recommendations

Students will complete the marketing and Business core and select any of they following track or develop their own custom track by selecting courses of their choice.  Please note that Marketing 4950R -Special Topics in Marketing -  may be used in any track area.

12 Credits Required
Product Marketing Track
MKTG 3515Sales Management (ALPP)3
MKTG 3900Retail Management (ALPP)3
MKTG 3600Services Marketing3
MKTG 4900RDirected Marketing Research1-3
Digital Track
MKTG 3500Digital Marketing3
MKTG 3550Search Engine Optimization and Marketing3
MDIA 3480Social Media Production3
ISA 3020SQL & Python for Analytics3
Marketing Analytics Track
ISA 3020SQL & Python for Analytics3
ISA 4060Big Data Analytics3
ISA 4070Data Visualization and Storytelling3
Hospitality & Services Marketing Track
MKTG 3600Services Marketing3
RSM 3010Event Management3
MGMT 3300Human Resource Management3
HOSP 4700Hospitality Revenue Management and Profit Optimization 3

General Elective Recommendations 

Product Marketing Track
DES 2100Design Thinking3
ECON 2020Macro Economics (SS, GC)3
MDIA 2300Introduction to Public Relations3
MGMT 4000Intermediate Supply Chain Management3
MKTG 4600RMarketing Practicum1-3
Digital Track
DES 2100Design Thinking3
MDIA 2300Introduction to Public Relations3
MDIA 3450Social Media Campaigns3
MKTG 4600RMarketing Practicum1-3
Marketing Analytics Track
MGMT 2600Entrepreneurship 13
DES 2100Design Thinking3
MGMT 4040Quantitative Decision Analysis3
MGMT 4000Intermediate Supply Chain Management3
MKTG 4600RMarketing Practicum1-3
Hospitality & Services Marketing Track
COMM 3190Intercultural Communication (SS, GC)3
MKTG 3515Sales Management (ALPP)3
RSM 3430Tourism and Commercial Enterprises3
HOSP 20XX (Note: forthcoming HOSP course)
MKTG 4600RMarketing Practicum1-3

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete a minimum of 120 college-level credits (1000 and above).
  2. Complete at least 40 upper-division credits.
  3. Complete at least 30 upper-division credits at Utah Tech for institutional residency.
  4. Cumulative GPA 2.0 or higher.
  5. Minimum grade of C- and 2.5 GPA in Business and Marketing core requirements.
  6. Minimum of 12 credits in Marketing electives and 2.5 GPA required.