Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences - Environmental Science Emphasis, B.S.

Program Description

The Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences major is an interdisciplinary study of the relevant natural science disciplines, with emphases in either the Geosciences or the Environmental Sciences. This program provides knowledge and experience through lecture, laboratory, and field courses that immerse the students into the world around them. Students will analyze and solve problems associated with use of energy, water, and mineral resources; in protection of the environment; in planning for the impact of natural hazards; and in sustainable approaches to societal development. The region and ecosystems that surround Utah Tech University provide the ideal laboratory to apply concepts to the earth, energy, and environmental issues that impact the future of humanity. Emphases in the Geosciences and the Environmental Sciences are available depending on the student interests. 

Program Curriculum

120 credits

Utah Tech General Education Requirements

All Utah Tech General Education requirements must be fulfilled. A previously earned degree may fulfill those requirements, but courses must be equivalent to Utah Tech's minimum General Education standards in American Institutions, English, and Mathematics.

General Education Core Requirements

American Institutions3-6
Life Sciences3-10
Physical Sciences3-5
Fine Arts3
Social & Behavioral Sciences3
Exploration 3-5

Earth, Energy, & Environmental Science Core Requirements 

ENVS 1210
ENVS 1215
Introduction to Environmental Science
and Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory
ENVS 2210Environmental Pollution and Remediation Techniques3
ENVS 3110Scientific Writing3
or BIOL 3110 Scientific Writing
ENER 3310Energy and the Environment3
ENER 4310Energy Technology and Sustainability3
GEO 1110
GEO 1115
Physical Geology (PS)
and Physical Geology Lab (LAB)
GEO 2050Earth Materials4
GEO 3400Water Resources3
GEOG 3600
GEOG 3605
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
and Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Laboratory
GEOG 3410Paleoclimatology3
CHEM 1210
CHEM 1215
Principles of Chemistry I (PS)
and Principles of Chemistry I Lab (LAB)
CHEM 1220
CHEM 1225
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry II Lab
BIOL 1610
BIOL 1615
Principles of Biology I (LS)
and Principles of Biology I Lab (LAB)
MATH 1060Trigonometry (MA)3
PHYS 2010
PHYS 2015
College Physics I (PS)
and College Physics I Lab (LAB)
ENGL 2201Literature and the Land (HU, GC)3

Environmental Science Emphasis Requirements 

ENVS 2700RField Methods in Environmental Science1
ENVS 2990RCareer Seminar in Environmental Science1
ENVS 3510Waste Management3
ENVS 4080Environmental Monitoring and Characterization4
ENVS 4800RIndependent Research1
ENVS 4910Senior Seminar1

Required Travel-Based Course

Choose 1 of the following travel based courses:  
ENVS 3910 Costa Rica Natural History 3
ENVS 3920 Peruvian Amazon Natural History 3
ENVS 3930 South Africa Natural History 3
GEO 3000 Advanced Geologic Investigation of Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce National Parks 3
GEO 3910 Applied Geologic Investigation of Iceland 3
GEOG 3930 Remote Sensing of Landscape: China 3

Upper Division Elective Requirements

Choose at least 15 upper division elective credits from the following list:

ENVS 3410Air Quality and Control Technologies3
ENVS 3210Soil Science3
ENVS 3280Environmental Law, Management and Policy3
ENVS 4099RSpecial Topics in Environmental Science1-3
GEOG 4140Advanced GIS Analysis3
GEOG 4180Geoprocessing with Python3
GEO 3710Hydrology3
GEO 3550Sedimentology & Stratigraphy4
GEO 3200Mineralogy4
GEO 3600Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology4
GEO 3500Geomorphology4
GEO 3700Structural Geology and Tectonics4
GEO 4600Field Geology5

Additional Elective Requirements

Choose 4 elective credits from the following list:

BIOL 3040
BIOL 3045
General Ecology
and General Ecology Lab
BIOL 3150Biostatistics and the Scientific Method3
BIOL 4200
BIOL 4205
Plant Taxonomy (ALPP)
and Plant Taxonomy Lab (ALPP)
BIOL 4260
BIOL 4265
and Herpetology Lab
BIOL 4270
BIOL 4275
and Ichthyology Lab
BIOL 4280Marine Biology3
BIOL 4350
BIOL 4355
Animal Behavior
and Animal Behavior Lab
BIOL 4380
BIOL 4385
and Ornithology Lab
BIOL 4440
BIOL 4445
General Entomology
and General Entomology Lab
CHEM 4200Environmental Chemistry3
COMM 3250Professional Communication: Writing, Design, and Presentations3
COMM 3550Organizational Communication3
COMM 4020Integrated Oral Presentations3
BUS 3000Intermediate Career Strategies1
SCI 4700Secondary Science Teaching Methods3
SCI 4710Innovative Solutions - Research and Design1
SCI 4720Innovative Solutions - Product Development1
SCI 4730Innovative Solutions - Entrepreneurship1

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete a minimum of 120 college-level credits (1000 and above).
  2. Complete at least 40 upper-division credits (3000 and above).
  3. Complete at least 30 upper-division credits at Utah Tech for institutional residency.
  4. Cumulative GPA 2.0 or higher.
  5. Grade C- or higher in all required courses.