Information Technology - Cyber Security Emphasis, BS

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology (IT) will prepare students for a wide range of job opportunities such as systems analyst, network administrator, systems administrator, and IT administrator.  Students will learn to apply their skills to real world problems arising in various settings, as they master new technological techniques. This applied approach will motivate IT majors to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to solve complex organizational problems using technology.

This emphasis focuses on Cyber Security specialization. 
Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary for immediate employment and/or entrance into graduate school. 

Program Curriculum

120 credits

Utah Tech General Education Requirements

All Utah Tech General Education requirements must be fulfilled. A previously earned degree may fulfill those requirements, but courses must be equivalent to Utah Tech's minimum General Education standards in American Institutions, English, and Mathematics.

General Education Core Requirements

American Institutions3-6
Life Sciences3-10
Physical Sciences3-5
Fine Arts3
Social & Behavioral Sciences3
Exploration 3-5

Information Technology with Cyber Security Emphasis Core Requirements 

CS 1400Fundamentals of Programming3
CS 1410Object Oriented Programming3
IT 1100Introduction to Unix/Linux3
IT 1200A+ Computer Hardware/Windows OS3
IT 1500Cloud Fundamentals1
IT 2300Database Design & Management3
IT 2400Intro to Networking3
IT 2500Cloud Computing3
IT 2700Information Security3
IT 3100Systems Design and Administration3
IT 3150Windows Servers3
IT 3400Intermediate Computer Networking3
IT 4600Senior Capstone3
ENGL 3010Professional Writing and Business Ethics3
MATH 1040Introduction to Statistics (MA)3
or MATH 1050 College Algebra / Pre-Calculus (MA)

Cybersecurity Emphasis Requirements

IT 3710Network Defense3
IT 4400Network Design & Management3
IT 4510Ethical Hacking & Network Defense3
Plus complete two (2) of the following:
IT 4310Database Administration3
IT 4990Special Topics in Information Technology3
CS 2420Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures3
CJ 2700Introduction to Digital Forensics3
CS 2810Computer Organization and Architecture3

Information Technology Core Elective

Choose three (3) of the following courses:
IT 3110System Automation3
IT 3300DevOps Virtualization3
IT 4100Files Systems and Storage Technologies3
IT 4200DevOps Lifecycle Management3
IT 4310Database Administration3
IT 4920RInternship1-3

Information Technology Elective Requirements

Choose three (3) of the following courses:
CS 2420Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures3
CS 2450Software Engineering3
CS 2810Computer Organization and Architecture3
CS 3005Programming in C++3
ISA 2050Management Information Systems3
IT 3110System Automation3
IT 3300DevOps Virtualization3
IT 4060Big Data Analytics3
IT 4070Data Visualization and Storytelling3
IT 4100Files Systems and Storage Technologies3
IT 4200DevOps Lifecycle Management3
IT 4310Database Administration3
IT 4920RInternship1-3
IT 4990Special Topics in Information Technology3
SE 3200Web Application Development I3
SE 3250Internet of Things Programming3
SE 3400Human-Computer Interaction3
SE 4200Web Application Development II3

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete a minimum of 120 college-level credits (1000 and above).  
  2. Complete at least 40 upper-division credits (3000 and above).
  3. Complete at least 30 upper-division credits at Utah Tech for institutional residency.
  4. Maximum 12 upper-division transfer credits may fulfill Utah Tech Information Technology program requirements.
  5. Cumulative GPA 2.0 or higher.
  6. Grade C or higher in each Core Requirement, Core Elective Requirement, and Elective Requirement course.