Trailblazer Nation

Welcome to Trailblazer Nation! We are excited for you to start experiencing Utah Tech University’s active learning opportunities that will prepare you for a rewarding career and meaningful life.
By familiarizing yourself with this Catalog, you have taken the first step to being a successful student. This comprehensive guide to our academic programs and classes will not only answer any questions you may have right now, but also will point you in the right direction during all stages of your education.
By pairing your determination to succeed with the resources listed in this catalog, you will enjoy our unique “active learning. active life.” approach to education. Our human-centered approach to problem solving helps you gain authentic industry experiences that cater to your diverse abilities. Utah Tech is committed to meeting you where you are, providing personalized learning, and creating a caring, supportive community.
It is our hope that you will not only embrace an active approach to learning and life while you are studying here, but that you will continue to do so throughout your entire life. If you commit yourself to actively seeking knowledge, the time you spend at Utah Tech will propel you into a life packed with experiences, achievements, and fulfillment.
I look forward to seeing you on campus!
Courtney R. White
Interim President
Utah Tech University