Special Education (SPED)

SPED 2700. Special Education Law. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. This course will focus on federal and state laws related to special education in the K-12 system. Teacher candidates will learn how to apply their knowledge of the laws to legal and ethical teaching practices in educational settings. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Define the development and current trends in federal and state regulations for education and treatment of individuals with disabilities using the principles in IDEA Amendments, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). 2. Identify the current practices in local, state, and federal litigations on behalf of individuals with disabilities. 3. Synthesize and integrate information and ideas into legal and ethical practices in special education situations. 4. Describe seminal litigation that influences special education today. FA, SP.

SPED 3200. Practicum in Special Education 1. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. The practicum experience is an integral part of the field-based Special Education program, and provides students the opportunity to apply concepts learned in coursework to real-life teaching in the classroom. Students will spend the equivalent of one full day per week in an assigned K-6 setting designed to service learners with disabilities. Students will complete all programmatic requirements, including field-based assignments from coursework, in this setting. This course emphasizes delivery of lesson plans that are appropriate to the needs of the K-6 setting and align to local and state curriculum and standards; implementation of classroom routines, procedures, and instructional strategies; and development of professional dispositions of the practice. Students will work closely with cooperating (mentor) teachers and university supervisors via frequent conferences and observations using Special Education program assessment tools. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss and reflect on successes and challenges that arise during the practicum teaching experience. 2. Discuss and reflect on facilitating classroom activities and helping with behavior management as directed by the cooperating/mentor teacher. 3. Create and teach two observed lessons that utilize effective instructional strategies and teach accurate content concepts and skills to whole classes and small groups of students. 4. Collaborate with grade-level teams to analyze student learning data, inform, and adapt instruction, and build understanding of district policies and procedures. 5. Discuss and reflect on development of professional dispositions and develop action steps for continued growth. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. Course fee required. FA, SP.

SPED 3500. Program Planning and Implementation in the Inclusive Classroom. 2 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. Teacher candidates will apply learning in a K-12 school working with students who have special needs and with English learners. They will design instruction, integrate technology, create an individualized education program (IEP) and be mentored by a current teacher. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify different forms of technology available to support students with disabilities. 2. Systematically design instruction toward a learning goal by integrating technology to support learning. 3. Describe different special education service delivery systems. 4. Explain the process of strengths-based data and observations to create Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities, and Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) for English learners. . 5. Implement an IEP with accommodations, modifications, services, and supports for a student with disabilities. for students with disabilities, and Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) for English learners. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 3700. Practicum in Special Education 2. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. The practicum experience is an integral part of the field-based Special Education program, and provides students the opportunity to apply concepts learned in coursework to real-life teaching in the classroom. Students will spend the equivalent of one full day per week in an assigned 7-12 setting designed to service learners with disabilities. Students will complete all programmatic requirements, including field-based assignments from coursework, in this classroom. This course emphasizes delivery of lesson plans that are appropriate to the needs of the 7-12 setting and align to local and state curriculum and standards; implementation of classroom routines, procedures, and instructional strategies; and development of professional dispositions of the practice. Students will work closely with cooperating (mentor) teachers and university supervisors via frequent conferences and observations using Special Education program assessment tools. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss and reflect on successes and challenges that arise during the practicum teaching experience. 2. Discuss and reflect on facilitating classroom activities and helping with behavior management as directed by the cooperating/mentor teacher. 3. Create and teach two observed lessons that utilize effective instructional strategies and teach accurate content concepts and skills to whole classes and small groups of students. 4. Collaborate with grade-level teams to analyze student learning data, inform, and adapt instruction, and build understanding of district policies and procedures. 5. Discuss and reflect on development of professional dispositions and develop action steps for continued growth. 6. Engage counselors, school administration, and related personnel and community resources to understand and support students' educational progress and goals. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program and passing grade in SPED 3200. Course fee required. FA, SP.

SPED 3850. Transition Planning. 2 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. This course will prepare teacher candidates to select and implement curriculum accommodations, transition planning, and post-secondary preparation for students with disabilities. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe the historical foundations, classic studies, major contributors, major legislation, and current issues related to knowledge and practice of transition/secondary special education. 2. Describe evidence-based and culturally sensitive services, instructional strategies, learning experiences, and learning materials for secondary students with disabilities. 3. Use appropriate assessment, adaptations, and technology for individuals with disabilities. 4. Use evidence-based and culturally sensitive resources and techniques for transitioning individuals with disabilities into and out of school and post-school environments. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4000. Practicum in Special Education 3. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. The practicum experience is an integral part of the field-based Special Education program, and provides teacher candidates the opportunity to apply concepts learned in coursework to real-life teaching in the classroom. Teacher candidates will spend the equivalent of one full day per week in an assigned K-12 setting designed to service learners with disabilities. Teacher candidates will complete all programmatic requirements, including field-based assignments from coursework, in this classroom. This course emphasizes delivery of lesson plans that are appropriate to the needs of the K-12 setting and align to local and state curriculum and standards; implementation of classroom routines, procedures, and instructional strategies; collaboration with families of students; and development of professional dispositions of the practice. Teacher candidates will work closely with cooperating (mentor) teachers and university supervisors via frequent conferences and observations using Special Education program assessment tools. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss and reflect on successes and challenges that arise during the practicum teaching experience. 2. Discuss and reflect on facilitating classroom activities and helping with behavior management as directed by the cooperating/mentor teacher. 3. Create and teach two observed lessons that utilize effective instructional strategies and teach accurate content concepts and skills to whole classes and small groups of students. 4. Collaborate with grade-level teams to analyze student learning data, inform and adapt instruction, and build understanding of district policies and procedures. 5. Engage counselors, school administration, and related personnel and community resources to understand and support students' educational progress and goals. 6. Discuss and reflect upon ways to engage parents/families in students' educational progress under the guidance of cooperating/mentor teacher. 7. Discuss and reflect on development of professional dispositions, and develop action steps for continued growth. Prerequisites: Admission to Utah Tech University Special Education program and passing grade in SPED 3700. Course fee required. FA, SP.

SPED 4240. Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Exceptionalities. 2 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. This course will focus on providing teacher candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to assess and evaluate K-12 students with exceptionalities for determining present levels of academic and functional performance (PLAAFPs), identification for special education services, and writing of goals for IEP development. Course includes emphasis on assessment requirements, instruments, and strategies used to support the learning of K-12 English learners. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe assessment terminology, ethics, legal provisions, regulations, program standards, and procedures. 2. Describe, select, administer, and interpret formal unbiased assessments. 3. Identify and use informal assessments and applications for various disabilities and English learning. 4. Describe the use of assessment results for determining special education services and English learning. 5. Use assessment results in creating individualized education programs and individualized learning plans. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4250. Teaching Reading/Language Arts to Students with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. Teacher candidates will learn effective practices and strategies to support children with disabilities learning to read and write. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Assess individual student learning needs for reading and language arts to create IEPs and plan instruction. 2. Plan effective core curriculum instruction to meet individual student needs. 3. Identify effective strategies for teaching reading and writing to students with disabilities. 4. Implement effective reading and writing strategies for students with disabilities. 5. Implement effective reading and writing strategies for English learners. 6. Demonstrate the use of progress monitoring data to make instructional decisions. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4530. Teaching Math to Students with Disabilities. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. This course will focus on preparing teacher candidates to teach K-12 students with disabilities about mathematics. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Use assessment data to create standards-based Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statements and measurable annual IEP and unit goals. 2. Assess individual student math learning needs to create IEPs and plan instruction. 3. Create and teach lesson plans using cognitively guided instruction and explicit sequential instruction to teach core math skills. 4. Design and implement data recording systems for monitoring student progress toward lesson objectives, unit goals, and annual IEP goals. Prerequisites: Admission to Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4650. Effective Teaching Strategies for Mild/Moderate Disabilities. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. Required for all Special Education majors. This course focuses on preparing teacher candidates for the effective instruction of K-12 students who have mild/moderate disabilities, and of English learners. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe educational characteristics of students with mild/moderate disabilities, and English learners. 2. Write standards based PLAAFP statements, IEP/ILP and unit goals, and lesson objectives. 3. Create and use direct instruction lesson plans enacting the effective teaching cycle to address individual student learning needs. 4. Demonstrate the design and use of curriculum-based measurements to make instructional decisions. 5. Describe the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) concept, processes, and use of progress-monitoring data to make MTSS decisions. Prerequisites: Admission to Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4720. Social, Learning, and Behavior Supports in the Inclusive Classroom. 2 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. This course will focus on the ways teacher candidates can support students with disabilities with social, learning, and behavior needs in the learning environment. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe and define the components of MTSS social, learning, and behavior supports. 2. Identify assessment and intervention strategies that address the social, learning, and behavior needs of students with disabilities in inclusive settings. 3. Identify and describe the various components and appropriate use of Utah's Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions (LRBI) 4. Demonstrate principles and practices of positive behavior support in the classroom. Prerequisites: Admission to Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4750. Behavior Supports for Students with Disabilities. 2 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. Teacher candidates will learn how to manage behavior of K-12 students with disabilities within various educational learning environments. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe approaches for explaining and analyzing occurrences of human behavior. 2. Describe data collection and principles of using data to target and replace behaviors. 3. Describe principles of stimulus control, consequences, and differential reinforcement. 4. Use functional behavior assessment to determine the function of behavior and to develop replacement behaviors. 5. Use functional behavior assessment data to design behavioral intervention plans. Prerequisites: Admission to Utah Tech University Special Education program. FA, SP.

SPED 4900. Special Education Student Teaching. 10 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. Teacher candidates will apply their learning from all courses in the program through eleven weeks of student teaching in K-12 settings that service students with disabilities. Cooperating (mentor) teachers provide the necessary support students need as they are given responsibility of all aspects of student learning in classrooms. University supervisors, in conjunction with mentor teachers, scaffold and evaluate teacher candidates via frequent conferences and observations using DSU Department of Education assessment tools. At the successful conclusion of the course, teacher candidates will have demonstrated their abilities to successfully manage their own classrooms and will be eligible for state licensure. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Teach appropriate and accurate content concepts and skills to groups and individuals with disabilities. 2. Create an effective classroom learning environment and manage student behaviors. 3. Maintain record keeping systems. 4. Collaborate with regular education teachers and other school professionals to analyze student data, and inform and adapt instruction 5. Engage parents, families, counselors, and school administration in students' educational progress and goals. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program and passing grade in SPED 4000. Corequisites: SPED 4989. FA, SP.

SPED 4989. Special Education Student Teaching Capstone. 3 Hours.

Required for all Special Education majors. Teacher candidates debrief and collaborate on special topics such as classroom management, lesson design, assessment, instructional strategies, and current issues and topics in education. The purpose of this Capstone course is to solidify the pre-service experiences, prepare and submit the PPAT in its entirety, and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to secure a teaching position. **COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLOs) At the successful conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Discuss/reflect current issues in education and topics that arise during the student teaching experience. 2. Recognize and comply with the requirements of the Utah State Board of Education and Utah Tech University in becoming a certified teacher. 3. Design and complete PPAT assessment to demonstrate skills and understanding of creating lesson plans, implementing differentiated instruction for diverse learners, using formative and summative assessments to assist in student learning, analyzing student learning, and self-reflection on one's practice. 4. Develop a professional leadership plan, which includes investigating post-baccalaureate educational options and leadership opportunities in the school community and professional setting. 5. Implement writing skills that communicates abilities and talents as an educational professional. 6. Engage parents and families in students educational progress and goals. Prerequisites: Admission to the Utah Tech University Special Education program. Corequisites: SPED 4900. FA, SP.